Just released - Ideagen's Education Risk Report
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An Interactive Guide to Effective Policy Management In Schools


45% of schools in Australia may be without well developed policies.*

Are you one of them?


Schools work hard to meet the rising demands of regulatory compliance. With regulatory burdens ever-increasing, staying on top of your policy management can become a challenge.


A defined path to success

Unlike other policy management 'manuals', our guide is an interactive roadmap tailored for school leaders, offering:

  • practical guidance to assess your current policy management maturity
  • essential questions to help pinpoint areas of concern
  • insights into common policy management mistakes
  • a solution to ease the headache

Complete the form to access your copy today.



* 2023 Ideagen Education Risk Report

Master Policy Management, Master your Compliance

Download your free copy today and consider how your organisation fares in terms of policy management maturity.

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